Manchester Improvements Begin

After months of preparation work, the make-over of Manchester Avenue in the Grove is now moving full-speed ahead. At the beginning of August, heavy machinery moved into the area and since then, crews have been fervently tearing up sidewalks and curbs to make way for the new, wider, more pedestrian-friendly sidewalks.

Currently, the work is primarily taking place at the east end of Manchester, but it will soon make its way to the west, with the sidewalks on the north side of the street being replaced first.

This $2 million project is being fully funded by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and will bring new sidewalks, repaved streets, street furniture, trash cans and street trees to Manchester Avenue. Additionally, Manchester will be reduced to a two-lane road, strengthening the pedestrian experience while also improving area safety.

For more detailed information on this project check back with us and also take a look the Grove CID and Park Central Development websites.

At Manchester/Chouteau, looking west

At Manchester/Sarah, looking east

The “Wedge” at Manchester/Chouteau/Sarah

Manchester/Sarah, looking west

Manchester/Sarah, looking east

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